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theater selection

since Jun 2024  Hidden Research , HR, Sarah,

funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research,

Tour (including Berlin University Alliance Conference) Berlin,

Prod: Sarah Wessel,

D: Aldo Spahiu

since Sep 2024 Der letzte Joint der Marie Juhana , Michaela,

Tour Germany,

Prod: Eve Connex GmbH,

D: Sven Menningmann

2022 and 2024 Brofaromin OST , HR, Alexander Schalk-Golodkowski,

former Stasi headquarters in Berlin,

Prod: PKRK Theater (Panzerkreuzerrotkäppchen),

D: Susann Neuenfeldt

since Jan 2024 Demut vor deinen Taten, Baby , HR, Bettie,

Tour (Austria, Germany),

Prod: Theater Chronos,

D: Stefan Krause

2023 The East in Me , Ms. Grau,

funding (Fonds DAKU),

Prod: PKRK Theater (Panzerkreuzerrotkäppchen),

D: Susann Neuenfeldt

2023 Treuhandtechno , Karin, dance teacher,

About Blank, Berlin,

Prod: PKRK Theater (Panzerkreuzerrotkäppchen),

D: Susann Neuenfeldt

2022 Hinz und Kunz

Tour (including JVA Volkstedt, Musikbrennerei Rheinsberg),

D: Benjamin Zock

2021 Gack and Talk

funded by: Neustart Kultur,

Tour, including RAW Berlin,

Prod and D: Macela Dias, Luise Grell, Fränze Kellig

2020 100% Berlin reloaded ,

HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin,

D: Helgard Haug, Stefan Kaegi, Daniel Wetzel

2018 - 2020 Papagei Allerlei , theater variety show, ( Once a month)

Crack Bellmer, RAW Berlin,

Prod. and D: Marcela Dias, Luise Grell, Fränze Kellig

2019 Texas ,

ACUD Theater Berlin,

D: Ugo Rex

2018 Coco Hanke ,

Theaterhaus Mitte, Berlin,

D: Hugo Reis

2018 Staub und Schatten ,

Projektraum LS43, Berlin,

D: Jakob Klaffs

film selection

2023 The Grimm Reality , NR,

Netflix fantasy series,

R: Till Kleinert and Erol Yesilkaya

(not yet published)

2022 Not My War , NR,

Daniel Beltrán Production ,

R: Marcus Jorgensen

2021 Club Holiday , HR, Trude

music video, "Tanga Elektra",

R: Elias Engler

2019 The dream was beautiful , HR,

Video Art Festival 3,

R: Jakob Klaffs

2018 Dust and Shadow , HR,

Project room LS43, Berlin,

R: Jakob Klaffs

speaker selection

2023 Hidden Champions , Virtual Reality Clip,

Speaker, HR, Tiger,

Prod: Booom GmbH, Peter Langer

R: Tina Knaus

2021 20's Berlin , Virtual Reality Film,

Speaker, HR, Tiger,

Prod: TimeTravel.Berlin UG

R: Tina Knaus

2019 Texas, lipsync theater, English,

Speaker, HR, Adamastor's mother,

ACUD Theater Berlin

R: Ugo Rex

2001 From the Beginning of the World , (radio play), HR,

Prod: Swiss Radio DRS and SFB

R: Isabella Mamatis, Lutz Gümbel


2020 - 2021 Acting training , Meisner technique for film,

AB Studio - Actors Space Berlin

Nov 2019 Clown Acting , The Art of Clown (Slapstick)

Adlo Spahiu, Kaduka Berlin

Oct 2019 Drama ,

Reduta Acting School Berlin

Sep 2018 – Jan 19 Clown Acting , Clownlab,

Bethanien, Antonio Villella (Willy the Clown), Berlin

Aug 2018 Theater Workshop , Greek tragedy and neutral mask,

Ira Karpouzoglou, Theaterhaus Mitte, Berlin

Jul 2018 Acting , The Game, costumes and characters,

Hugo Reis, Theaterhaus Mitte, Berlin

March – July 2018 Clown Acting , Clownlab ,

Bethanien, Antonio Villella (Willy the Clown), Berlin

Nov 2017 Theatre education training , playback theatre with children

LAG Spiel & Theater Berlin eV, Berlin

Oct 2017 Acting , The Game and Storytelling,

Hugo Reis, Theaterhaus Mitte, Berlin

1998-2002 Acting ,

Gerard Phillippe Youth Center, Berlin

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